Volunteers Needed for Pilot of Paperless Field Trip Requests

Reflecting over the past few years as to how we work and function reminds us that it was not long ago, we were a very paper-centered district. This is not the case today. First, the district transitioned to electronic teacher grade books, then online student IEPs, followed by online registration, electronic purchase orders, and more.

There is more to be done, and you can be part of a new pilot program. Next year the district will be piloting paperless field trip requests from teachers and sponsors. We are seeking a small group of individuals willing to serve as the "early adopters" of a new online process for requesting and approving field trips.

Participants will be provided training and a login to a website to enter the information currently entered on paper when requesting approval for a field trip. The initial entry is created by the teacher or sponsor, the request will be reviewed for approval by administration and then sent electronically to the transportation office for the scheduling of buses and drivers.

Staff members interested in participating in the pilot can contact June Nilles at jnilles@barrington220.org or call 847-842-3503 for more information.


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