Introducing the New IC Student Profile View

The school year started with some useful changes to the Infinite Campus Grade Book, Campus Instruction. Today we are happy to announce a new feature in Campus Tools, the Student Profile.  Locating key student information in one tab makes it easier for staff to obtain a snapshot view of how the student is progressing.

The following instructions and screen shots are provided by Infinite Campus and can be found along with videos and tutorials in Campus Community.

The Student Profile tab displays a current snapshot of the student's grades, attendance data, behavior incidents, and course work. This is a read-only tab, but users (counselors, school administrators, etc.) can view detailed information from this tab.

Student data is organized into cards for each section: Census, In-Progress Grades, Attendance, Behavior, and Student To Do. Data is accurate as of the current date and time.

Student Profile

Student Census Information

A general summary of the student's address(es) and contact information, along with the student picture (if uploaded), display.

Student Census Information

In-Progress Grades

In-Progress Grades information displays for each course in which the student is actively enrolled for the current term.

This section displays the student's Cumulative GPA, amount of credits earned and required, and whether the student is on track for graduation.

In-Progress Grades Display

To see grading standard information, click the progress bar. A side panel displays that shows the scores received for the standards. In the example below, there are four grading standards aligned to the World History course, and only one has been scored, giving the student a progress of 25%.

Scored Standards Display

This World History course also has Grading Tasks aligned to it. Click the scores for the grading tasks. The side panel displays the assignment and scores for those assignments.

Grading Task Side Panel Information

Click the Close button on the side panels to return the Student Profile tab.


View the student's attendance record for the last 30 days, the last year, or the last 7 days. The total number of absences for a full day and for a period display, as well as the total tardies by period.

Attendance Information

Select a date with a record (in the calendar, these are colored circles) to show more information about the attendance data. On the side panel, the date and term display, listing the courses, the teachers, and the assigned attendance codes.

Attendance Detail

Absences and Tardies use the same color coding as other Attendance tools (Student Attendance tab, Attendance Wizard, etc.). Select a Filter to view details of an attendance event. Exempt attendance events are included on the calendar but are not included in any count of attendance.

Filter Attendance Events

If the student met the criteria for attendance letters, those are also listed as an indication of what letters were sent (up to five) from Infinite Campus.

Attendance Letters


The Behavior card lists the number of incidents (up to five) in which the student was involved for the current year, total detention time the student needs to serve, and any suspension days.

If the student does not have any behavior events, text indicating this displays.

Behavior Information

Click the date of the incident or the name of the incident to open the side panel that displays more details of the incident. This panel lists the information recorded in Behavior Management when processing the behavior event. It includes information on the incident, recorded comments, and information on the resolution.

Behavior Detail Information

Student To Do

The list of To Do items is the same list of To Do items available in Campus Student, and comes from the teacher's Grade Book.   Items can be viewed for all past due, 30 days past due, 7 days past due, or 7 days in the future (work that is due in the next week).

The list of items can be sorted by any of the columns - course name, assignment name, point value, or due date. Use the arrows along the bottom of the card to navigate to other pages.

Student To Do

Select a To Do item to display more details. The Side Panel lists the assigned and due dates, what grade book category it is aligned to, and the teacher of the course.

To Do Detail


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