Fall 2017 Instructional Technology App Updates

We have several updates to share regarding software subscriptions and apps available for staff and students since our last update in August.

iOS and macOS Updates

Apple recently released new operating systems both for iPad and MacBook Air devices. 

iOS 11, the new operating system for our iPad devices, became available on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. You've most likely received onscreen prompts to upgrade. The upgrade is free and requires 50% battery, online access, and about 30�45 minutes of time to download and install. The iPad device is unusable during this time so we recommend completing the upgrade at home.

macOS High Sierra, the new operating system for our MacBook Air devices, became available Monday, September 25, 2017. If you haven't already, you will receive onscreen prompts to upgrade. The upgrade is free and requires 50% battery, online access, and about an hour of time to download and install. The MacBook Air device is unusable during this time so we recommend completing the upgrade at home.

For more information about when to upgrade recommendations, please take a look at the article, Upgrade Advice Part 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Newly Available iOS Apps

Touchcast Studio is a creation-based iOS app that allows users to add overlays for video. It has been scoped for all students in Grades K�12.

Goodreads is a book recommendations app for iOS that offers Netflix-like algorithms to help students find books they might enjoy. The app also allows students to connect safely and recommend books to each other. It has been scoped for all students in Grades 3�8.

Post-It Plus is an iOS app that allows users to take photos to digitize existing Post-It Notes for organization, sharing, and saving. It has been scoped for all students in Grades 1�2.

Abode Spark Page is a creation-based iOS app designed to allow users to create their own images, graphics, and text. It has been scoped for all students in Grades 3�8.

Requests for access to new or existing software and apps can be made using the Software and App Request Form (bit.ly/220SARF)


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