Online Registration is Open
It is the time of year parents of students planning to return to Barrington 220 schools are asked to complete the annual registration process and update student and family information, while reviewing and accepting annual requests for parent permission.
Barrington 220 transitioned to online registration at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year and has continued to incorporate additional data collection into one single step for district parents. Parents have expressed appreciation for bringing everything to one source for their review and input. Online registration also increases efficiency by automatically bringing student and family data into Infinite Campus. This eliminates not only reams and reams of paper, but also many hours of data entry.
We are happy to report registration was processed for 978 students during the first 48 hours of online registration this year. You might find it informative to consider the different data collected and available for reporting from Infinite Campus.
All Grade Levels
Grade 5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
In addition to the annual enrollment process, online registration serves as the tool for collecting initial family and student information when a new family moves into the community.
Now that online registration is "live" for the 2017-18 school year, join us in exploring additional data collection tasks suitable for incorporating into online registration for 2018-19. Planning for 2018-19 begins now!
Barrington 220 transitioned to online registration at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year and has continued to incorporate additional data collection into one single step for district parents. Parents have expressed appreciation for bringing everything to one source for their review and input. Online registration also increases efficiency by automatically bringing student and family data into Infinite Campus. This eliminates not only reams and reams of paper, but also many hours of data entry.
We are happy to report registration was processed for 978 students during the first 48 hours of online registration this year. You might find it informative to consider the different data collected and available for reporting from Infinite Campus.
All Grade Levels
- Updated parent contact information
- Updated emergency contact information
- Initial data entry for under-school-age children in the family
- Parent permission to provide emergency medical treatment (Grades PK-12)
- Annual Emergency Health Update (Grades PK-12)
- Parent review of the Student Handbook
- Parent review and acceptance of district Technology Agreements
- Parent request for Alternate Transportation Form
- Annual Emergency Health Update (Grades PK-12)
- Parent permission to participate in athletics (Grades 4-12)
- Health History for students new to Barrington 220 and Grades 1, 6, and 9
Grade 5
- Parent permission to attend Camp Timber-Lee and administer medications listed
Grades 6-8
- Parent permission for student to participate in sex education (Grades 7-8)
- Parent permission to provide emergency medical treatment
- Parent permission to administer Tylenol or Ibuprofen
- Opportunity to volunteer for middle school PTO
- Permission for staff and/or coaches to communicate electronically with student
- Parent permission to participate in Co-Curricular Activities (Grades 4-12)
- Parent permission to participate in athletics (Grades 4-12)
Grades 9-12
- Request Senior Parking (Grade 12)
- Parent permission for participating in the Harper College Promise Program (Grade 9)
- Parent permission to administer Tylenol or Ibuprofen
- Parent review and acceptance of the district FERPA policy
- Opportunity to volunteer for BHS PTO
- Opportunity to request a senior t-shirt
- Parent permission for BHS students to participate in Community Service
- Permission to share student data with the military or higher education institutions
- Permission for staff and/or coaches to communicate electronically with student
- Parent permission to participate in Co-Curricular Activities (Grades 4-12)
- Parent permission to participate in athletics (Grades 4-12)
In addition to the annual enrollment process, online registration serves as the tool for collecting initial family and student information when a new family moves into the community.
Now that online registration is "live" for the 2017-18 school year, join us in exploring additional data collection tasks suitable for incorporating into online registration for 2018-19. Planning for 2018-19 begins now!
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