One to World Teacher Survey

During the 2015�16 school year, Barrington 220 administered surveys and focus groups to students regarding the One to World initiative. This year, we are administering surveys and focus groups to teachers and administrators. The survey was created by a District Technology Committee subcommittee. Survey responses are anonymous. The survey collects approximately 30 data points and takes about 12 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, teachers interested in participating in a focus group may follow a link to a separate survey.

To take the survey, please check your email for the survey link. The survey email was sent on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, at 4:00 PM.

This survey will be open November 9�22, 2016.

Barrington 220�s One to World initiative is a teaching and learning program that integrates 24/7 availability of technology devices, provides ubiquitous access to the Internet, and delivers a set of devices, apps, and services for learning. The One to World initiative:

  • Stimulates creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.
  • Creates opportunities for students to participate as global citizens.
  • Provides real-world learning experiences.
  • Facilitates personalized learning.
  • Encourages timely and meaningful feedback.
  • Guides responsible use of technology.

The Barrington 220 One to World initiative began as a pilot during the 2013�14 school year at Barrington High School. This school year marks our full implementation of the initiative:

  • Students in Pre-Kindergarten�Kindergarten have access to 1 iPad per 2 students.
  • All students in Grades 1�8 have a district-assigned iPad.
  • All students in Grades 9�12 have a district-assigned MacBook Air laptop (11-inch).
  • All teachers have a MacBook Air laptop (13-inch), and teachers of students Pre-Kindergarten�Grade 8 have an iPad.

One to World teacher survey and focus group results will be compiled and published during the 2016�17 school year. One to World student survey and focus group results from 2015�16 are available here.


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